Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Do I Have the Dogs to Thank For This?

Ariana Story of the Day: This afternoon, I was changing her diaper pre-nap, and I (as always) endeavored to distract her long enough for me do to the quick-change before she decides it's time to get up and move on, so I gave her the koala bear baby that Josh had brought home from Australia for her. We were pointing to various body parts and discussing them, like the fact that there was no nose for the poor bear because the dog ate it. She pointed to the eyes and said "Eye" and I agreed, then she pointed to the nose and said "nose," and I agreed that that's where the nose should be, and then she turned the little bear around pointed right below his tail and said "Poopie." At first, I was a bit confused, and then when she pointed again and said "Poopie" again, I realized what she was saying. We then had a long moment of cheering for such an excellent observation on her part. Who would have guessed that all those trips to the field to exercise the dog would translate into her knowing where a stuffed koala bear would go poopie? The girl is brilliant, I say, brilliant!

Clearly, we are ready for potty training, don't you think?

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